Newsletter 6 HEROIC Expert Workshop On Extrapolations In Integrated Exposure Assessment, Paris, January 21-22, 2014

The workshop was structured in two breakout group sessions to explore different ways of improvement and cross-fertilization between Environmental and Human exposure assessments, in particular:

  • developing generic modeling tools able to predict exposure for both Humans and ecosystems;
  • proposing common probabilistic methods to screen uncertainty in the scenarios and help the building of realistic worst-case scenarios; extending the TTC concept for defining common exposure-based waiving rules;
  • harmonizing data collection and reviewing available methods to go from one metrics relevant to Human/Ecosystems to another one relevant to Ecosystems/Humans;
  • supporting the development of toxicokinetic approaches for one species based on information obtained for any other species, in the laboratory or in the field.

As a follow-up to this workshop, a manuscript for a peer-reviewed publication is currently being written to present and extend the discussions of the workshop, including in particular  perspectives and recommendations on opportunities for extrapolating across human and environmental endpoints.

This work will serve as an input to draft guidelines on extrapolation for exposure assessment.

All participants are grateful to Alexandre Péry and Philippe Ciffroy for the hospitality and organisation of the meeting.