Newsletter 3 Examination And Inventory Of Endpoints, Data And Models Available For Hazard And Exposure Assessment

The main objectives of HEROIC Work Package 3 (WP3), led by INERIS, is both the inventory of existing data and models in hazard and exposure assessment and discussions relative to integrated risk assessment.

These objectives were addressed in the first expert meeting within the HEROIC project organized at INERIS (Verneuil-en-Halatte, FRANCE) the 12th and 13th of April 2012. In the months following the meeting, a paper relative to integrated risk assessment has been written by participants

An inventory was done of the endpoints considered in toxicological and ecotoxicological hazard assessment for the different classes of chemicals (industrial chemicals, biocides, plant protection products, pharmaceuticals, food additives, and cosmetics) that are

  • deemed mandatory in regard to European legislation,
  • optional/indicative in regard to European legislation
  • and the endpoints that are not identified as mandatory nor optional, in regard to European regulation (but which are most likely to be included in the coming years)

It was also tried to figure out what endpoints would be considered in future risk assessment. We pointed the increasing interest for adverse outcome pathways (AOPs) concept, that provides a consistent structure and terminology for organizing toxicological or ecotoxicological information obtained at different levels of biological or ecological organization.

In parallel was produced an inventory of

  • the main freely and publicly available hazard database (DB) of diverse substances, e.g. chemicals, pesticides, biocides, pharmaceuticals, food additives and cosmetics
  • alternative methods in animal testing in ecotoxicology and toxicology.

The produced data base “table-inventory” includes associated general information such as a descriptive of the DB, whom it is hosted by, at which scale it was originally created, if it was created for a regulatory purpose or not, the type of substances addressed by these DB and which type of hazard assessment data are available (e.g. addressing human health only, mammalian, or ecotoxicological data).

Inventory of data and methods in exposure assessment

An inventory of potential models and databases able to cover one or more steps involved in the exposure assessment process described in the picture below, together with a review and analysis of criteria that are explicitly or implicitly taken into account when evaluating the ‘quality’ of an exposure model in respect to the assessment context was performed.

For further and more detailed information please contact Alexandre Péry (